
This Quarterly Newsletter is the flagship product of the CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment. It highlights important news and views on economic issues from different parts of the world with a view to keep the trade and development community abreast of the latest.

Broadly, it covers Trade Winds, Economic Issues; Environment & Economics and Development Dimensions. It also contains articles of well-known researchers and policy influencers.

The Global Trade System…

    The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is on the implications of warming of just 1.5C and also on the means by which that might be achieved. It reads like a reductio ad absurdum — a demonstration of the implausibility of its premise. But it makes plain, too, the risks the world runs if this limit is ignored: life will survive, but not life as we know it. The starting point of any analysis has to be…